When would be the best time to make a GET call based on a Webhook notification?
Most API clients/partners will do the follow up GET for the full order result based on the percentageComplete value. Basically iterate on that value and when it increases incrementally, they will do a GET for the latest result. That percentageComplete value changes every time a search (productType) changes status or result in a package.
What is the difference between orderStatus and orderResult (in the API Webhook)
OrderStatus is the overall status of the background package. i.e. what is the status of the Candidate's overall background check. OrderResult is the “score” or adjudication result. These results can be customized and reflect the candidate’s background check result of pass, fail, or needs review. Because it is customizable, the orderResult can reflect any label for pass vs fail depending on your configuration.
Will I get Webhook Notifications in sandbox?
The webhook notifications will start to automatically trigger when your account is live. They do not automatically trigger when you are in Sandbox. The only way to test how the JSON message for Webhooks will look while your account is in Sandbox is using the testing module available in the Webhook section of the Developer Portal.
Can I use an Express workflow & Interactive workflow on my single API account?
Yes. Through APIv3, clients can order using EXPRESS or INTERACTIVE on the same account
My app at times gets several webhook notifications in the same day. How many can we get?
There are several processes on our end that trigger a “status change” webhook notification so you will often have multiple webhook notifications due to the granularity of the steps that execute the trigger. For example, every time an order hits our system, there are several searches added and subsequent statuses changed so when an individual search/product in an order changes status, the webhook notification fires.
Does the content encoding need to be sent in UTF-8?
Yes, the content encoding needs to be sent in UTF-8.
How can I access candidate's background reports? Will it be publicly accessible links or it is account specific?
In the GET Order Status call, there is a parameter for “reports.base64encodedHTML”. If you grab that value and make a GET call to https://api.accuratebackground.com/v3/report/INSERT_REPORT_ID, it returns a Base64 encoded string. Once decoded and hosted on your end, the candidate’s background reports can be made accessible via a link in your app.
Does your API support duplicate checking?
Yes, for information on the Duplicate Checking functionality offered by our API, please visit our online API Documentation.
What causes a webhook notification to be sent to my app?
When your account is live, we send a webhook notification every time the percentage of completion has changed, the order.status, the order.result, and/or the product.status changes.
How does scoring work? How do I enable it?
Scoring needs to be activated upon request so if the account has been moved to production and our agreement has been signed by your organization, you just need to request that scoring be enabled. The way the no cost scoring works is that any background check results that don’t have flags will go to a “Pass” result. Anything with potentially adverse information will go to a result of Needs Review and a member of your team or a group at your organization will be notified to come into our Client Portal, review the results, and make the final decision of “Pass” or “Fail”. Attached is a brief overview of the Approval Process steps.