Customizing Orders

The Accurate Background API can run a wide number of different searches, which we group into 'packages’ for ease of use and ordering. A list of all available packages can be found [here] (

However, you can also customize a package by adding more search products to it, to most effectively meet your specific needs.
To build a custom order from scratch, start with the package PKG_EMPTY and then add in the additional search products that you need by populating the additionalProductTypes array on the Order resource. See all the available search products in the US [here] (

You can add multiple “additionalProductTypes” parameters to build up a custom package with any number of searches, including both US and International searches in the same order.



Be sure to increment the array position (additionalProductTypes[0], additionalProductTypes[1], etc) for each new productType.

It may be easier to pass in a single JSON body in a POST, using content-type application/json. Here is a json code sample showing a custom order with two additionalProductTypes.

 "packageType": "PKG_BASIC",
 "workflow": "EXPRESS",
 "candidateId": "570d47b658448e7fa1ab723c",
 "jobLocation": {
 "country": "US",
 "region": "CA",
 "region2": null,
 "city": "Irvine"
 "additionalProductTypes": [
 { "productType": "TERB" },
 { "productType": "SON" }

There are additional specialized search products that are available on request, including Drug Testing, I-9, and International Services. Contact [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected]) to request access to these services.

US Searches