Internal Error Code

The body of the Error response will contain a block of JSON containing an array of errors. Each error provides an internal error code, further explanation, and the field affected.

Internal Error CodeHTTP StatusDescription
100404 - Not FoundNo Resource found with the Id provided
101405 - Method not AllowedHTTP Method not allowed for this resource
102400 - Bad RequestInvalid JSON structure for this resource
102400 - Bad RequestInvalid request data
103400 - Bad RequestMissing required fields
104400 - Bad RequestInvalid format for a particular field (i.e. a data field format)
105400 - Bad RequestInvalid character for a particular field (i.e. an alphabetic character in an integer field)
106400 - Bad RequestExceeded maximum length {max}
107400 - Bad RequestInvalid value for a particular field (i.e. an invalid state code in the state field)
108400 - Bad RequestInvalid configuration
109401- UnauthorizedAccess denied. The credentials do not provide access to the requested resource.
110500 Server ErrorError accessing data resource resulting from a backend system issue.
111500 Server ErrorGeneric system error
112400 - Bad RequestInvalid End Date 112
113400 - Bad RequestInvalid Graduation Date 113
114400 - Bad RequestRequired End Date 114
115400 - Bad RequestPrevious Employment false 115
116400 - Bad RequestPrevious Employment true 116
117400 - Bad RequestConvicted is false and Conviction Info is provided
118400 - Bad Requestconvicted is true and Conviction Info is not provided
119400 - Bad RequestDuplicate value
120400 - Bad Requestssn is required when country is US
121400 - Bad RequestRequired minimum length {max}
122400 - Bad RequestDuplicate product type
123400 - Bad RequestProduct already exists
301400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: The orderId or package code provided cannot be found
302400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: The order is not in a client review status
303400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: The order does not contain adjudication product
304400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Adjudicator email address is required to adjudicate
305400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Adjudicator not found
306400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Adjudicator does not have permission to adjudicate orders
307400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: %s is not an available option
308400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Max field length for adjudication note is 2000 characters
309400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: The order does not have adjudication options configured
310400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: The order has duplicate adjudication options configured
311400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Position location country is required. Add position location country
312400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Position location region is required when country is US. Add position location region to adjudicate
313400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Position location region2 is required when country is US. Add position location region2 (county)
314400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Position location city is required when country is US. Add position location region (city)
315400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Currently only able to fail non-US orders
316400 - Bad RequestUnable to add job location information: The orderId or package code provided cannot be found
317400 - Bad RequestUnable to update position location information: Order status is %s with result %s
318400 - Bad RequestUnable to update position location information: The order is not in a client review status
319400 - Bad RequestUnable to update position location information: The order does not contain adjudication product
320400 - Bad RequestUnable to add position location information: Must be 2 character country code
321400 - Bad RequestUnable to add position location information: Must be 2 character region code when country is US
322400 - Bad RequestUnable to add position location information. %s must exist within %s
323400 - Bad RequestUnable to add position location information. %s must exist within %s
324400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: reasonType is required
325400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Position location %s, %s, %s, %s requires a reason to be specified for failure
326400 - Bad RequestUnable to adjudicate: Reason for failure cannot exceed 4000 characters
327400 - Bad RequestInvalid field for LA Assessment %s
328400 - Bad RequestAdjudicator email address is a duplicate
329400 - Bad RequestUnable to get order details: The orderId or package code provided cannot be found
330400 - Bad RequestAPI default user not found
331400 - Bad RequestDuplicate API default user