Accurate’s API offers the ability to pull order results on demand, through a schedule set on your platform, or using a GET call as described in the documentation under the [order section] (https://accurate.readme.io/reference#order-2) for retrieving an order resource. In addition to that option, your organization has the option of configuring webhooks through an endpoint URL or via AWS Simple Notification Service (SNS).
If you elect to use webhooks, as the status of the background check order changes in Accurate’s system, we will push a notification to your designated endpoint that includes the orderID, orderStatus, order Result, percentageComplete, and any referenceCodes you provided with your order.
To get the full results of the background check and access to the HTML version of the report you will need to follow up with a [GET Order call using the Order ID] (https://accurate.readme.io/reference#getorderbyid-1).
To configure webhooks using a URL endpoint, log into your Developer Portal account and navigate to the Webhooks section. You can configure a URL for each available environment and test through the Developer Portal. You will be able to specify the test criteria, and a notification will be sent to your configured URL endpoint.
Using SQS Webhooks
If your organization prefers to turn on webhooks through Accurate’s SQS option, please follow the steps below and reach out to API support at [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected]) with the required information.
Create the SQS resource with the following instructions:
- Create an IAM user and attach AWSLambdaSQSQueueExecutionRole policy.
- Create SQS resource. Add SQS permission with Effect: "Allow", Principal: "arn:aws:iam:::user/", Actions: "ReceiveMessage, SendMessage"
Email SQS ARN address, IAM-user’s accessKeyId and secretAccessKey credentials to API Support at [[email protected]] (mailto:[email protected]).
Accurate will create the SQS Webhook and run a test to confirm the proper setup.
Note: SQS region is limited to us-west-1, us-west-2, us-east-1 at the moment.
Updated about 4 years ago